Friday, October 2, 2020

Family Friday: Expecting A Baby!

 Recently I came across all my old diaries from years ago

and enjoyed reading what was happening in past years.

The brain is a crazy thing and we tend to remember the extreme highs and lows.

However, it seems like the simple sweet and sometimes sad things of everyday life

are lost to our memory till we find a way to bring them back again.

So I decided that I would start some posts highlighting old diary entries

and what was happening in our lives!


I am pregnant for the fourth time! We have McKenzie, who will be 4 next month, Jordyn, who will be two next month and our angel babies, Chloe and Emma, who went to see Jesus on November 25th. I was 11 weeks pregnant with our twins when the Lord saw fit to take them to heaven.

Despite our sorrow over losing the twins, we were overjoyed to find out I was pregnant again in January! It was especially uplifting to get past 11 weeks, helped ease my fears.

I was horribly sick until my 14th week, which was 2 weeks ago. I have lost a lot of weight.

I have been feeling little flutters since about week 8.5-9, I think. Seems like it was a lot sooner than McKenzie and Jordyn.

We will be finding out in 6 weeks if we are having a boy or girl, on May 28th. I am really not sure what I think this baby might be. Alot of times, I figure it is another girl, but then sometimes I think it might be a boy. I have bought one little boy outfit and I stopped myself from buying little boy shoes! I am really anxious to find out, mainly because I can't wait to name the baby and start bonding in that way. We are positive on the boy name, it is Noah. We aren't really agreeing on a middle name. I like Noah Michael Thomas, but Peter isn't sure about that.

We like two girl names, Sydney and Sierra. But not sure about middle names.

Do YOU know which child I am talking about, in this Diary entry??

That's right!

Happy 17th Birthday, Sierra!!!!!

We love you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Tony and His Cousin

Tony has always idolized this particular cousin and I love this picture of them from a few years ago!

Monday, August 24, 2020

Dear Diary: A Look At The Past- What I was Thankful For On My 29th Birthday...

Recently I came across all my old diaries from years ago and enjoyed reading what was happening in past years. The brain is a crazy thing and we tend to remember the extreme highs and lows. However, it seems like the simple sweet and sometimes sad things of everyday life are lost to our memory till we find a way to bring them back again. So I decided that I would start some posts highlighting old diary entries and what was happening in our lives!


*I am thankful to be in a healthy and loving relationship with my husband.

*I am thankful I was able to go to the beach with a friend. It was very relaxing!

*I am thankful I have been married for 8 years.

*I am thankful for 10 1/2 years.

*I am thankful I have six children, two of which have already made their trip to Heaven.

*I am thankful that I have the opportunity to teach Sunday School again. I will be teaching the 2 year old class!

Hindsight is 20-20:



*I am thankful to STILL be in a healthy and loving relationship! Just the other day, Peter sent the following message to our girls and since it is exactly how I feel as well, I thought I would share it:

"Your mother and I have been through some interesting times. Most recently involving a clogged sewer line. However, I can truly say that I love her more today than I did when we got married. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her if I had the power to do it. We have never considered divorce as an option. Just the opposite - we don't know what we would do without the other one."

*As I write this up, I have no idea what I will be doing for my birthday. But whatever happens, I know it will be fun.

*I am thankful that we just celebrated 22 years of marriage!

*I am thankful that I have been a child of the King for 24 years now!

*I am thankful that we have a grand total of 10 children, four of which are in Heaven, two of our six here on earth are adopted and we have been happy to foster many, many children.

*While Covid-19 is in full force and we haven't had Sunday School in months, I am so happy to still be teaching Sunday School. It is a wonderful blessing!

Praying that as your summer comes to a close and you start preparing for Fall, that you will have some wonderful activities to strengthen your family and friendships!

God bless,
