We are doing some things the same this year and some things different. We are still year round schooling. We had our trial year of it last year and wow, our whole family just loved the freedom in doing it that way. I know there were several people that expressed their concerns to me, but it just seems to be what works for our family right now. I have no doubts that it could change next year or the year after, but that is the joy of homeschooling!
Our curriculum is switched up this year, that is a whole other post in itself. Might write about that tomorrow. At any rate, the kids are enjoying changing up some of their curriculum and my oldest daughter is completely in love with her math which is a first. So glad we found this other program!
Our schedule is flexible but has a flow. In other words, we don't have a set time we do things, but an order in which we do them. We start with Devotions, move onto Literature and Science as a family, then separate to work on Math and Language Arts on their own. When they are done, they are free to work on Extracurricular work. (Extra work with a reward, right now we are doing Scholastic and Kumon's Learn and Earn Program to earn some free books.) Then it's free time and piano practice.
Here are some pictures from our first day:
Lil Mr is in Preschool at home and Therapy School.
George is in Fifth Grade.
Mac is in Seventh Grade.
Bob is in First Grade.
Fred is in Second Grade.
My oldest was so excited to get 100% on her math that she had me take a pic of it! To understand why she is so excited: she has always struggled in math and this program just makes it so easy for her to understand. What a blessing to find what works for your child!