Monday, September 24, 2012

Little House- Day One

In an earlier post, I talked about how I was going to be using the Laura Ingalls Wilder set of books to teach history, literature, language arts, science, home ec and the list goes on.

So far I have done up lessons for the first two books which will take us about to Christmas break or a little after.

Here is our first day in pictures:

Reading part of the first chapter of Little House in the Big Woods. Note the bright orange cover of my copy, it was given to me when I was a little girl. It was printed in 1932 and no, I am NOT that old, even if I am covering my gray hair with a super cool hat!

Imagine my surprise when I went to the bookshelf and realized that we had not only three sets of LHOP books, but FIVE Little House in the Big Woods books! So while we will not be able all read a book for the whole course, at least we can for this first book!

Working on their cover page for our lapbooks...

The curriculum I have put together!

Did you realize that in the year 1863 when the Ingalls' moved to the Big Woods, President Lincoln delivered his Gettysburg Address?

Our time line that will be posted on the wall to go around the room. 
Next time I will post a picture of it on the wall. 
The top half is the life of Laura I. Wilder, the bottom half is American history that happened at the same time.

We had a fantastic time and look forward to tomorrow!!! Oh, and guess what came today in the mail?

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