Saturday, April 27, 2013

School Time for Lil Mr

Lil Mr is so happy to start doing Kindergarten work! We started this week cause we figured why wait till fall? The little cutie works hard and is always happy to see fishy crackers after toiling his brain for a bit!

Missed Hubby/Father Returned To Grateful Family...

My hubby went on his first business trip out to Florida this past week and boy did we miss him!
Hubby started a new job last fall and within a few short weeks was able to start working from home. At first, it was a challenge as the kids and I had to learn that dad was actually working. However, as time went on we adjusted and it has been the biggest blessing to have hubby at home 24/7. Especially, when I had my car accident a couple months ago. It was challenging but he played the role of mom and dad for a couple weeks. He did a spectacular job too! I digress though...
Anyway, hubby went on his first business trip and I was left to do the mommy/daddy role. Let me just say that I am really glad that God designed families to have a mother AND a father. My hat is off to any single parents out there, it's a tough job.
After five days of the whole family missing him, hubby wandered off an airplane into our lil airport at midnight or so and we had a warm reception awaiting him:

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sensory Processing Fun!

Recently I found out about a Sensory Processing Friendly Gym Day that Autism Awareness puts on at our local YMCA. So my son and I went to it last weekend and had a blast! It was so nice for Tony to play with other kids who had sensory issues and not worry about anything. The staff at the Y was so friendly and went out of their way to make sure the kids had plenty of things to play on including a huge castle jump house! I was positive that Lil Mr wouldn't go in the jump house, he doesn't like being in things that are not stable and secure. However, after I went in with him once, he was hooked! He loved that, as well as the tricycles and hula hoops!
All in all, a wonderful morning! Can't wait till the next one in June!

I Love Life!

My friend caught me playing on a bouncy ball when we took our sons to a Sensory Processing Friendly gym day at the Y last weekend. I actually like this picture, and it makes me smile cause it was just a great day in the middle of a lot of days of pain. Plus, she caught me being the goofy person that I really am!

Backyard Fun

We de-wintered the playhouse in the backyard. Today I raked up the leaves from winter, picked up garbage from who knows when and hosed off the playhouse. Our backyard is now playable again!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Coffee Delivered...

You know, as parents you have those moments when your kids drive you absolutely bonkers...but they make up for it by delivering coffee without being asked to your bedside table. They top it off by having it perfectly flavored and sharing their own whipped topping they earned by helping clean up at church...and you just get this warm, fuzzy feeling inside and think, "Yep, I'll keep you around for awhile!"

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Praying Together...

I love seeing my children pray together! (And love my daughter's mismatched clothes!)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Hair Trim Central

Time for hair trims! Three of my girls had some split ends so we did trims. Of course it is enough hair to make a short multi-colored wig!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Let The Pool Fun Begin...

Our family recently joined the YMCA and we are loving it!! Hubby is already losing inches and I am feeling better than I have in a long time. I can't swim normal yet because of my clavicle/collarbone issues but I am getting in there and moving as long and as hard as I can. The kids are turning into little fish!
Only one problem...we are drying out with skin and hair! Any ideas? I want to purchase swimming caps next payday to help with the hair issue but not sure what is he best product to use on our skin. Would love suggestions!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday School Fun...

Our Primary Department in Sunday School is learning about Daniel. I took some pictures of how beautifully they have the department decorated.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Family Trips Are Back!

For the past couple years, our favorite activity of taking a day road trip has been down to maybe one or two a year cause of the price of gas. We had a huge van with a huge engine that required a small fortune to fill.

Belated Easter Pics..

Yeah, I know, Easter is past! However, I still wanna share pics of my family! We had Easter at our house this year and...

Good Things Come To Those...

Who wait...

The picture you see below shows a bottle of sparkling grape juice that made me very sad for quite a while. You see, my hubby bought it to share with me on Valentine's Day.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...

So despite having no television access, the marketing field hit our home. At some point, somewhere, I saw a commercial for making homemade pizza pockets using croissant rolls. So tonight we tried it!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Every Penny Counts...

Don't you love those last couple days before payday? Always needing something and no money to get it. Yep, me too!

Today was no exception...