Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Day 5 of Thankfulness: Libraries...and Books In General

As most people know, I love books. We are always reading in our home and many of my kiddos actually write books. It always makes me smile to see my kiddos reading and exploring through the power of the written word.
Since we love books, it's only natural that we find ourselves at the library at least once, sometimes twice a week! We went several years without a library, so we are really thankful for it!

Have a wonderful Tuesday,
What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Family Friday: Adoption Awareness Month/Day One Of Thankfulness

Dear Friends and family-

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. It’s a time to celebrate adoptive families and spotlight the thousands of youth and teens across our country who are still awaiting permanent, loving homes.
Reference: adoptionsupport.org/general/national-adoption-awareness-month-2017/