For weeks now, I have been going through the away so much that I think the kids might start wondering if they are next!
Today we finally got to one of the things that has been on the back burner for weeks:
the clothes. We
LOVE hand-me-downs and get them frequently. When hand-me-downs come into the house, I don't let them get any farther than the couch. I sort them and decide what we can use. Since the last batch of clothes, I read that after you have sorted through the hand-me-downs, take them out to the car to be taken to the next person or donation drop off. Then they are not in the house to be "absorbed"! I will be doing that from now on. Last time I was not so careful and the extra clothes were cluttering up the hampers, the closets, the bedroom floors, the laundry....TOO.MANY.CLOTHES.
Some people have the misconception that the more clothes you have, the more you have to wear/the less laundry you have to do/etc... There have been studies done that show we only wear 20% of our clothes 80% of the time. In other words, if you have 10 only wear two of them 80% of the time. You wear the others, just rarely. I believe this is a very accurate study. have MORE laundry to do, especially with little ones cause they change their clothes more often...after all, there are more in their drawers...And, you have more laundry to do because you are going through more clothes. The clothes take up space, which takes up your time to dig through and find what you actually do use.
I proved this recently with our towels. We had a ton of towels...when I say a
ton, I mean you could probably have filled a small row boat with our towels. Seriously. At least 80% of these towels were from our wedding almost 13 years ago!!!! What annoyed me is how often I had to wash a load of towels!
We had so many, that everyone (
yes, including me!) would use a towel once and in the laundry it went. They weren't getting hung up for a second use, thus making me have to wash at
least a load of towels every day. So....several weeks ago, I went through the towels. I saved enough bath and hand towels for two per person as well as some for company. I gave away at least
3-4 garbage bags of towels....did you read that?
What I want to know is: How come almost every person that gave us a gift for our wedding gave us TOWELS? Sigh....) Anyway....back to laundry...I now only do about one load of towels a week.
YES! I love it! We use a towel, hang it up to dry, use it again. After the second use, it is thrown in the laundry.
Side Note:The same concept can be used with anything in your house. If you haven't used it in the last 6 months to a year, give it away.
There is only one exception for me and that is holiday/seasonal stuff. You only use it once a year, so of course you need to store it. However, what I do is when I bring it out to use, I mentally look over what is in the box. If I find that I haven't used it for the last year or two, out it goes. When you buy something new, find something to give away. Even better, when you find something new, give two or more things away. Then you are always on top of it!
Now...back to what we were doing today with the girls' clothes. I had them bring ALL their clothes out to me in the living room. We sorted through everything, putting aside things that were ruined/stained/or for donation etc..then they folded their clothes back up and put them away. We ended up with several bags for donation as well as a few pieces of clothing that will be used for rags or something. Now, to finish this job, as the clothes come through the laundry over the next couple days, I will be sorting them and putting aside any for donation.
I hope you don't have an over-abundance of stuff. But if you do, and you are not sure where to start, try this:
- Start small. Pick one drawer, one cupboard, or one shelf.
- Make three piles: to keep, to give, and to throw away.
- Re-organize what you are keeping.
- Promptly give away or put in your car what you are giving away.
- Toss what is not being saved.
- Move onto the next small area.
Good luck!!!