Thursday, May 2, 2013

May Day!

Yesterday was May Day and what started out as a simple fun thing for a couple of the grandmas turned into a whole morning of fun and secrecy!
My two younger daughters and I decided to deliver May Day flower baskets. According to tradition, at least what my family did growing up, you make your baskets out of construction paper then fill them with wildflowers and deliver.
Sadly, my children grow up in the nasty cement life of our town instead of the country peacefulness I grew up with. So there were no wildflowers to be picked. Instead we went to a local store and much to our glee, we found some hanging baskets at a great price. They were beautiful and we instantly decided to deliver some more baskets anonymously to make someone or two's day!
We picked up eight baskets, a packet of blank cards and started our adventure! Lil Mr gave a basket to each of his teachers at school. Along with the baskets we gave to the grandmas, we delivered four more to some wonderful ladies who mean a lot to us.
It was such a sweet day and the girls giggled with glee the whole morning! And knowing they brought joy to someone's day just topped it off!

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