Friday, October 19, 2018

Family Friday: ADOPTION!

Dear Friends and Family,
In getting back in the groove of blogging, it seems appropriate that the first Family Friday post should be about our recent adoption!
A little backstory: if you are new to my blog, you would need to know that we are a foster family. We have been doing this for ten years and despite the sometimes challenging and often hard times, it has been worth every moment. Through this, though this was not our original plan, we have added two boys into our family of all girls. You all know our son, Tony, who has been in our family since he was 9 months old. What you may or may not realize is that we have been fostering a little boy since Thanksgiving 2016. On the blog, he has gone by a couple names: Stuart Little and Little Mr.
It is my privilege to introduce Noah James as part of our family! He always was a part of our family, as all our foster kiddos are, but now we have the blessing of adding our last name to the end and making it, as my mother-in-law says "official"!

I'm still waiting on pictures from friends and family so I can make him a photo album but here are some fun ones from his Gotcha Day! I hope you enjoy!

He was counting down the days for MONTHS!

Such a happy boy!

So excited to go inside!

He can hardly contain himself!

Sitting on his birth mama's lap and asking what is happening next!

One of his foster mamas and her son.

For his adoption feast, he wanted sherbert and grapes!

There were several amazing things about this day of September 6th. One is that the courtroom was jam-packed with people from all over: DHS, church, family, and friends. The other is that we had the blessing of having his biological family there to share the experience as they have become an extended part of our family! It was such an amazing time and we feel so blessed to have had so many people come to celebrate with us!

If you missed the last Family Friday post:Kudo Tokens

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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