Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Madness: Am I Back in the Groove?

What's On My Mind Today:

Good morning!

I'm praying that as you read this that the Lord will bless you today! As I sit down to write, I glanced over at my calendar to see what is coming up this week. There are some things that will need prayer and things that could change. One thing that won't change: God's ability to get me through the week that is staring ahead of me.

This week there is at least one court date I need to go to for the parents of one of our current placements. It's not mandatory to go as a foster parent. However, I make them a priority. For starters, you learn a lot of things about the case that DHS can't tell you for confidentiality's sake that is made public knowledge. I also find that the parents often have no one else standing there to support them. How scary that must be? I can't imagine. 

This week I am preparing for something exciting that you will find out about later. There is a lot of planning that goes into it. Maybe a little less than I imagined? While I am pretty well prepared, there is a lot to accomplish in the next couple days and I have no idea when I will find the precious time to get it done.

Most of you know that currently, we have 8 children. Six are ours and two are temporary. Because of that, I have been trying to get into a different rhythm than I am used to for this school year. Every year is different. Usually, by now I am in the groove of things, but it's just starting to come together! What makes it a bit more complicated is that on the school front, we homeschool, have one in private school, one in public school and one that is homeschooled but uses the public school resource room. Talk about going in different directions all day long! With a lot of prayer, the Lord has allowed me to delegate some tasks that I thought I needed to accomplish and ask for help in other areas. Rarely do I look at the calendar with dread now. 

Time to get going on the To-Do List! Praying your week goes well!

If you missed the last Monday Madness post: Celebrating My Girls' Birthdays

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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