Friday, March 1, 2019

Family Friday: One of the Joys of Special Needs

Dear Family and Friends,

When you have a child with special needs, you often have to grab at the smallest things to remind yourself that someday you will see progress is being made.
Back in 2012, Tony rarely said more than 5-7 words. Tony was five years old and did not start talking till he was around 3 years old. There were many times I wondered if my son would ever say more than one-word sentences.

I remember this joyful day quite well! Tony was very excited about his favorite movie and the fact that we watched it. As he said the following sentence (in the picture), my eyes welled up with tears as I realized he had just spoken the longest sentence I had ever heard him speak! I grabbed my phone and wrote it down so I would never forget!

What is something that has brought you so much joy that it brought tears to your eyes? Share with us in the comments below!

Have a wonderful first day of March,

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