Friday, April 19, 2019

Family Fridays: Visiting With Birth Family

Dear Friends and Family,
It's been a while since I updated on how things are going since our adoption of Noah.
I'm not sure if I have mentioned before that we have open adoptions with both of our son's birth families, but that is where the similarities end. The relationships look completely different based on the needs of the child.
We are actively involved with Noah's birthday family. Noah was 5 when he was adopted and had strong bonds with his small birth family. We knew from day one that we would be doing many activities throughout the calendar year in the future. We simply added to our family!
Saturday was one such adventure. Noah had been wanting to try out his new backpack and walking sticks he had got for his birthday, so we decided that a hike was just the thing for the mild Spring day.
We met up at one of our favorite trailheads not too far out of town and the adventure began. It was perfect for hiking: not too hot or cold, no rain to make things mucky and no bugs out to bite yet!
For two hours we hiked over the mountains and enjoyed some fantastic views of the valley below us.
And as we anticipated, we enjoyed spending time with Noah's birth mom and grandma.
Here are some pictures of the morning, hope you enjoy!
Peter took this pic of one of the bridges we crossed...

Peter also took this one, aren't those beautiful pink manzanita flowers?

I had to take a picture of this arbor we walked under on the ridgeline...

Indian Paintbrushes are one of my favorite flowers!

Noah's Birth Mom walking with him and Tony

We saw some pretty rocks that someone had painted and hid in fun places for others to find!

Tony checking out the scenery...

Noah checking out the scenery and shadows...

Before we left, Noah and his birth mom were talking to each other through a ditch pipe! 
Hope you have an amazing and beautiful Easter weekend!
God bless,

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