Thursday, April 25, 2019

Throwback Thursday- My Children's Prayers

Welcome to Throwback Thursday,
The following post was written well over 12 years ago and was one of my favorites. Such great reminders of the innocent and trusting prayers of children who know their Lord is going to answer. I pray my children always remember their roots and how God has been answering their prayers from the time they were tiny.

January 21, 2007-

I am so thankful for praying children. Here is why:

I never got back to finishing my homeschool room. Yes, my joy was short-lived as I came down with whatever bug my younger two daughters had.
Instead of finishing the schoolroom, I spent the afternoon and evening laying on the couch willing my innards to stay…well…inward!

In that space of time my girls would come in and pray for me. Nice in-depth prayers about how they wanted me to feel better. It was so sweet!

It got me thinking, of the other prayers we have heard them pray and the deep faith that they have, that God will hear and answer.

Some of their prayers have caused our jaws to drop in astonishment that they would pray such interesting things! 

One time last year, I will never forget our then 4-year old (Jordyn) praying, "Dear Jesus please don't let our daddy die today." I was wondering what would have brought on a prayer like this. It is not as if he works on a bomb-squad or anything. So I asked her why she prayed the way she did. She said, "Well, if he died, we would have to go get a new daddy!". She said it so matter-of-factly that I started laughing uncontrollably! I agreed with her that the daddy we had was a great one and he is so well trained!

Their deep faith at such a young age is what grips me. I will never forget one time, when McKenzie was about two years old. Our car had died and we had no idea what was wrong and did not know how we would get it looked at. We decided to pray for it. I remember looking over to where our daughter was. There she was, our young child, with her little hand resting on the hood of the car praying earnestly and loudly that God would heal our car. Guess what? He did! It got us around until we could afford to find out what had been troubling it and had it adjusted.

There is something about a child's prayer. They do not have the doubts going through their minds as adults do. You know, adults pray and then ponder. Children pray and leave it. 

There are no doubts in their mind that it is taken care of. They trust that if they pray, God will answer.

My children are a constant reminder of how Christ longs for us to be. He longs for us to just ask and trust. That is it. He hears us the first time we pray.

Remember God's Word says that we need to come as a little child or we cannot enter Heaven. (Mark 10:15, Luke 18:17)

God bless,

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