Saturday, February 11, 2017

Surprise Saturday: Ramblings About Pets....

This post is dedicated to our pets, 
Crazy Olive and Oliver who passed away 
within a week of each other.
January 29th and February 7th, 2017

I don't know what your feelings are on having pets. I grew up with dogs and cats. Even had a bird for a few years before it sadly died of a heart attack. Despite the sadness of having a pet die, it was worth the joy of having them alive for however long it was.

Recently, one of my daughter's birds passed away with no real reason why. One day he was happily scurrying around the cage, the next minute he was gone on the floor of the cage. It was sad that one of our little animal friends was gone so swiftly.

Just last night, our sweet bunny that we have had for 3 years died. He died of a broken back and stroke. It wasn't expected and hurt to see him in pain before he died. 

When we got our bunny, little did I know that this sweet furry creature would help me through the sudden death of my grandpa. We had talked about getting a rabbit for some time. But why this one? Why get a bunny now? I knew a few weeks later why God sent him our way. Watching the joy of our bunny as he frolicked in the yard, binking about, made me smile when I thought the sun was gone. Seeing how he was so exuberant about the simple things made me start looking for joy in simple things again. He had a love for everything including getting his cage remodeled once in a while. You can read more about how the Lord used this sweet bunny to heal my heart after my grandpa died here.

When God created these little creatures, He must have had our delight and enjoyment in mind. We have had a sad week, but the happy memories have come back to comfort us and bring us joy during our sadness. 

I would love to hear your stories about the pets you have had in your life and how they have brought you joy!

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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