Today I have been doing yard work like crazy! It's been the perfect day for it. So what have I been doing? I re-potted a Gerbera Daisy that was given to me as a thank you gift Thursday. Then I planted my Oregano, that my friend Rachel brought me. Did some moseying around in the backyard then I headed to the front where I trimmed a couple trees, including my beautiful Japanese Maple in front of our house. I also started in on this HUGE bush/hedge that lines one side of our driveway. It will be a couple day chore though as it is heating up nicely out there!
We took a break and headed to the Grower's Market, where I bought some Kale plants. I have been wanting to add Kale to our diet and figured that I would be more likely to try it if it is growing in our backyard!
On the walk home, I spotted this tree and I am pretty sure that it is a Dogwood Tree. I am not sure though, so I took some pics to show you, my readers! Here they are:
So, am I right? Is it a Dogwood?
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