Friday, February 24, 2017

Midweek Minute: Well...That Hurt!

Welcome to the Midweek Minute
Where I talk about the here and now...

I went to the Dr this morning and wow....

I have started this post a couple times today....cause I'm not sure how much to share...but the next three months are going to be interesting and I may as well blog about it.

So...without sharing a lot of details that are not necessary. A couple months ago I noticed that I was starting to have some issues with my "female" parts, to be somewhat exact. Going on 40 years old this summer, I knew some could be age related but I knew that not all of it was.

After documenting what was going on for about 2.5 months, I decided with some "gentle" shoving from my hubby and best friend, that it was time to get in to see my Doctor.

Two weeks ago, I went in and saw the Nurse Practitioner who basically said I was a mess and we needed to get some testing done. Over the past two weeks I have had several tests done including a VERY painful biopsy today to rule out precancerous cells in my body before having a surgery to take care of my issues.

At this point, I am now at a waiting game because the labs won't get back for at least 10 days and my next appointment isn't for 2 weeks.

How am I? Well....due to what I'm...experiencing, I'm pretty much exhausted constantly. I asked my doctor about it because she said I wasn't anemic. She said that I have amazing bone marrow that is working overtime to keep up with what I am losing. Combine that with the instense pain I am in, (basically like being in first stages of labor 24 hours a day) and my body is experiencing chronic fatigue.

The blessing in this is that:

  1.  I am able to be guilt-free in saying no to things and just concentrate on my family.
  2.  I have been able to work on my blog and do correspondence with people. A couple of my favorite things to do!
  3. I'm having some fun time bonding and connecting with Little Mr as he sits in my chair with me to do therapy and work on school skills.
  4. My family is seeming to enjoy being the ones to take care of me for once. And frankly, I am really coming to appreciate that they want to take care of me and let them have the blessing in it.
Yeah, it's frustrating at times. Especially running out of energy after doing so little. I am used to being able to have the energy to do whatever I need to do. I don't enjoy sitting.

However, God is using this for His Beauty and Glory. Knowing that, makes it all worth while.

So, there is the update on me! If you go to my church and wonder why I haven't been out much lately or are a friend wondering why I'm not out and about all the time....this is why: it's a season of rest and learning to wait for me.

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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