Friday, February 9, 2018

Gluten-Free Friday: Crockpot Butternut Squash Soup


This is the word that best describes
Crockpot Butternut Squash Soup!

Last night for dinner, I was able to combine two of my loves:
My Crockpot
Butternut Squash

My grandma gave me a call a couple days ago and told me that
she had several butternut squashes that required eating quick.

Being one to:
a) love free stuff that I can use
b) appreciate my grandma's large garden
c) love a challenge

I told her I would be happy to take them off her hands!

Yesterday I got online and found this yummy recipe that involved
my favorite kitchen tool, my Instant Pot/Crockpot.
Now...I'm not a fool. I knew that 96% of my family would HATE it.
Apparently, the five-year-old and I are the only ones that love adore 
of all kinds!
Side Note Time: When he moved into our home over a year ago, I couldn't get him
to eat a vegetable to save my life. I had to resort to all kinds of crazy methods to get veggies
in him. Now the boy eats anything I put in front of him.
That being said, my family also needs to get used to eating more of a variety of veggies.
It's true, ya'll, you do! And you know it!
Being a kind person, I also provided chicken noodle soup for their consumption.
You know, just in case butternut squash soup might be the end of the world.
{insert eye roll here}
I will say, at least 50% of my family tried the butternut.
Out of those four, 50% of us LOVED it.
25% said that it made a good dip for crackers and
the remaining 25% were non-committal.
Along with our yummy soup, I tried a new Bob's Red Mill GF package.
I gave their cornbread a try and that was an instant success 100%.

All in all, I count this recipe a success even if only two of us love it.
It will be going in the recipe box, for sure!
The plus side, I was able to freeze the remaining soup in little individual 
containers to heat up later.
Although I had to pull one back out when my five-year-old informed me that he 
wanted it for lunch today because it was:
Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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