Thursday, February 1, 2018

Blast From The Crazy Past: Shelby's 4th birthday

Welcome to memories....welcome to a Blast from my Crazy Past!

I wrote this post in 2009 for Shelby's Fourth Birthday...
Shelby will be 13 years old in three days!

Today is the day my littlest little princess was born! What a joy she is to have in our home. She literally popped out into our world four wonderful years ago and our lives have never been the same. Her smile lights up a room and her tears make you want to cry! She loves to make others laugh and is so sad when someone is mean to someone else.
I have been watching old videos on my computer from when she was a baby and it is so fun to see her little head bobbing around and grinning at daddy in some of them!
Despite today being her birthday, my poor little muffin top is running a fever. Or has a "running fever" as Sierra would call it.  Pretty sure that it is just one of those weird fevers that kids get for no reason and go away just as fast. Thankfully her party isn't till Friday night, so we have a couple days to take it easy. I gave her one of her presents today, a little Cabbage Patch fairy dolly that is the perfect size to snuggle in her arms. I heard a little birdie say that daddy is going to stop off on the way home from work and bring her balloons! What a good daddy! He likes to do things like that on their birthdays!
Here are some photos of our baby from the past:
Still in mommy's tummy!
First birthday photo shoot!
Shelby1_2_06_014(rev 0)  
Shelby1_2_06_025(rev 0)
First Christmas!
January 1 2005 005
Little sweetie:
January 1 2005 039
First hair cut:
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Here is my baby now!

Nine years later, here she is on the first day of 7th grade:

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!


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