Thursday, April 19, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: Happy Birthday, Emma!

Good morning, friends and family!

I wrote this post back in 2005 when my niece was born...

April 24th, 2005

My little niece is here! Emma Rose Baylinn was born on her Great-Grandma Aileen Jordan's birthday, April 18th. I am hoping to get cracking and get some more photos of her on here soon.

It has been crazy around here. Thankfully we are all over being sick. Peter still has a bit of a sore throat but other than that we are all on the other side of it.

Shelby has started teething. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised as our older girls teethed early. I just hope it doesn't take six months for the tooth to come in like it did with Sierra. Shelby is such a sweet, good-natured baby that it is hard to see her all hurting and grumpy. Poor thing! It must really hurt to have teeth coming in. I remember my wisdom teeth trying to come in. Felt like a constant head-ache until they were taken out.

McKenzie is almost done with Kindergarten. She should be done at the end of May, if not a little sooner. I thought about maybe doing year-round schooling. I know quite a few homeschoolers that do that. However, with our seven-week trip coming up, I think that will be enough hands on schooling to last the summer. We plan on making a scrapbook of our trip to help McKenzie with geography and writing skills. Jordyn will be joining us in schooling this fall as she will be starting Preschool. It would not surprise me if I end up moving her into Kindergarten work half way through the year as she already knows a bunch of the Preschool stuff from listening to everything that McKenzie did last year.

Mom will be here in 17 days. I can't wait to see her. It has been too long....okay, maybe two months isn't that long to some of ya'll, but to me it is FOREVER. The girls are very excited to go back to Arkansas this summer and stay at Nana and Papa's house! Can hardly wait!

I'm praying that the Lord opens up more opportunities for me to earn money for our trip. He is faithful and I know that He will work it out if I keep my eyes open and take advantage of the opportunities that He sends my way.

Don't we have a wonderful Lord and Savior??? I  feel so blessed lately by the wonderful answers to prayer that He has sent our way. Providing us with this wonderful house to live in, a huge backyard for the girls to play in. He has helped us with Peter's college classes, work and various other things. I just would not feel good without making sure that the Lord got the glory for everything He has done!

Well, little miss Shelby is begging for my attention! Another day, another blessing!

If you missed last week: April 6th, 2005
Next Week: Oliver Explores His New Cage!

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26