Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paragraph Written By My Twelve Year Old

This is short, but very sweet, so I had to share:

If I Could Apologize To One Person

It would be my mommy. She works with us kids for 24/7/365 days each year, with out fail. I have not been helping her very much. If there was any way I could help her, I would do it!

Below the paragraph she drew a picture of me reclining on a couch while she washed the floor by hand! Too cute!

Thank you, Miss Mac!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Family Picnic and Learning Home Ec In The Home: Embroidery Work

Embroidery work is fast becoming a lost art, but thankfully, my kiddos enjoy doing it. I just started my two youngest today while we were out on a picnic. We had a lot of fun today! Here are some pics:

Little boys make their own fun!!!




