Friday, January 13, 2017

Fostering Fridays: Supporting Families That Foster- Consistency

Welcome to Fostering Fridays! 
Our hope is that you will be able to get a taste of what it's like to foster by reading our experiences and thoughts!

Today we are talking about how to support families that foster and how to help with consistency:

One thing that we, as a family, have to provide for our foster children, no matter what age is consistency and routine. The truth is, most people like things to be predictable and consistent. Some of us need it more than others. In fact, we need it so much that it becomes life altering if we don't have it. That would be our foster kiddos...they NEED predictability. They RELY on consistency. If they don't have it, their little lives fall apart.

One thing that helps is when friends and family can help support our need for consistency. Because sometimes this means we can't be as flexible as we used to be. That we can't change plans as fast as we used to. Knowing that we have friends and family who understand and still love us helps!

While I was thinking about this, I thought about the people in our life do respite for us, babysit and help out when we are in the community. I feel blessed to have several people in our lives that while they may not completely understand why we do things a certain way, they still support us wonderfully. So I thought I would make a list of the things they do that I appreciate because it makes us feel supported:

  1. We know when our foster children are at their house, they respectfully listen to what we do and help us keep some consistency by doing the same thing at their house. EX: If "Susie" takes a nap after lunch, or else she will have a meltdown later in the day, they make sure "Susie" takes a nap. While it would be so easy to say,"Oh, but they are having fun! It'll be okay if they don't take a nap.", they recognize and respect that we know what is best for this kiddo and follow suite when they watch the child for us.
  2. They back us up. Recently the little guy we have, tried to pull a fast one on my mom. I don't recall what it was, but she told him to talk to me first. She easily could have just decided to let him do whatever it was, but she knows that with this little guy, we have to do things a certain way.
  3. They ask questions. If they don't know, they ask.
It seems so simple, but it really does help. Our little ones lives are so chaotic with Dr appointments, visits with parents and family, school etc. Our home life has to have consistency and routine for their sake. 

If you one of those people that wants to be supportive to a foster family, thank you!!! We appreciate you and your help!

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!


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