Sunday, January 8, 2017

Not Your Normal Sunday...

Let's just face it, it's not only your normal Sunday around here....but it makes sense...2017 has started out really bizarre!
Yesterday Peter spent a good portion of the day going over the sidewalks in front of our house and church next door. We heard that the weather was only going to get crazier and he wanted to stay on top of the wetness and hopefully avoid icy sidewalks.
Well, we woke up to freezing rain this morning, after a week of snow. We all got around and headed over to church.
When we got there, my dad was busy applying salt to any areas that had froze up overnight and trying to clear other areas with a snow shovel. The problem was that as fast as he cleared and salted, the temperature of the ground plus the cold wind and rain coming down just refroze!
Before log we had to make the decision to cancel Sunday School. The bus had already picked up a few kids so Peter, who was driving, took them out to ice cream and got them back home.
Right after the decision to close Sunday School, we got a call that already one congregation member had just had a near miss on the road due to ice. Several people who had already got to church had almost had casualties due to the icy sidewalks. So....time to cancel church! In all my years, I don't recall ever having to cancel church due to ice. I know it happens in other towns across the state, but this was a first for me!
Well, there were still a handful of us that had got to church early. So we had a wonderful time of fellowship singing songs and enjoying a lesson brought by Sis Jane. It was so neat to just spent time with these dear people!
I'm so thankful for time spent with Him!

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