Friday, January 26, 2018

Gluten-Free Fridays: Cauliflower Fiasco

Some recipes just don't make the cut...

And you know how people tell you that your tastes's true!

A couple years ago when we first tried our hand at gluten-free, I tried several recipes that at least half the family liked. One was called Macafoni and Cheese. It was basically macaroni and cheese with cauliflower instead of noodles.

So when we decided that this was no longer a "diet" but a lifestyle that we wanted to adopt permanently, I pulled out those recipes and tried making them again. Several still worked but the night I made was a disaster....

There were complaints about the texture, the fact that it was cauliflower...the works. Even my sweet husband had nothing good to say.

Sadly, my family's taste buds had changed in regards to this recipe and I was the only one who liked it now. So...out the recipe went to the garbage along with the remainder of the meal.

Some recipes just don't make the cut! And it's okay. I admittedly had hurt feelings as my family one by one turned their noses up at the dinner I had worked so hard to make for them. One that I remembered them eating before. I may have probably thought about how ungrateful my family they didn't appreciate that I was trying to be creative in my meal planning. However, once I remembered that my family was enjoying 9/10ths of the meals I was making, I was able to put those hurt feelings in the garbage along with the meal, admit Macafoni defeat and move on!

Just remember lifestyle changes, even if they are for the better of your family, don't always go smoothly. There are days when I feel like I am fighting a losing battle in regaining my family's health. There are times when I get frustrated with people outside my home giving my boys things they cannot eat. There are times recipes like this morning's Breakfast Cookies are an instant hit and times when recipes with cauliflower are slam dunk failure.

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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