Thursday, August 20, 2020

Throwback Thursday Thanksgiving: He Provides

2020 has been a year of changes for everyone around the world. It could be easy to only see the negatives. All the things we weren't able to do because of this pandemic. So I want to focus on the blessings of God, both past and present, to remind myself, my children and whoever reads my blog, of just what an awesome God we have.

January 26, 2009 

I knew I should see a doctor cause I am not my perky "little" self! However, I was dreading the Doctor bill as well as the cost of antibiotics. However, after much encouragement from everyone including one daughter that seemed to be worried that I would "die of amnonia", I made the appointment. 

Well....check this out:

In the mail today was a card from a dear sweet lady with $40 in it for us! I thought, "Well, that will help with the Doctor bill, but how about if I need antibiotics?" 

I went to the Doctor appt and when I checked in, I handed over money for the appt and she waved my hand aside and said, "Hold on, I am seeing that you have a credit here...." Guess what?!?  It was enough for the appt!!! 

THEN when I went to get my prescriptions, I used the $40 and even got a couple dollars back!


Oh, and I do not have "amnonia" as my daughter feared. I do seem to have a bronchial infection of some sort.

Anyway, I was so happy that I had to share!
God Bless!

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