Thursday, August 6, 2020

Throwback Thursday Thanksgiving- July 2001

Hi! Yes, I know. It's been a bit. It happened. I could give all sorts of reasons but basically, it has just been a crazy time in my life the past 18 months. Which will give some fodder for future blog posts, so I guess that is good!

Going to reach back years a time frame where we had a lot less of everything...

July 2001 held some very special reminders of God's love for me. I used to be a lot better about keeping a journal and I really enjoyed writing down answers to prayer. Of course , that wasn't the only year of such amazing answers to prayer. Daily God amazes me with his care of us! However, through the remainder of 2020, I want to spend once a week, reminding myself and sharing with others, the ways God answers prayer.

2020 has been a year of changes for everyone around the world. It could be easy to only see the negatives. All the things we weren't able to do because of this pandemic. So I want to focus on the blessings of God, both past and present, to remind myself, my children and whoever reads my blog, of just what an awesome God we have.

Here are a couple things that I gave praise to the Lord about back in 2001:

To set the stage, I was at our annual church camp. We barely had enough money to make it up to camp, but we were sure excited to be there. Two neat miracles happened:

"I only had a couple dollars and I needed to buy diapers for my 2 month old baby, Jordyn. I met up with another mama who gave me a bag of diapers that her son had outgrown! Praise the Lord!

Another day, I went to go grocery shopping and spent the rest of our money. As we left the store, I checked to make sure my wallet was in my purse and it was. When I got back to Camp, the Lord blessed us by directing someone to give us $50. As I went to put the money in my wallet, it was gone!

My cabin was clean, so I didn't have too look to hard to see that it simply was not there. I looked through my dad's truck and I called the store I had been at to see if it had been turned in. I looked everywhere with no success...

Finally, I went back to the cabin and prayed, pleading the blood of Jesus! As I started to tidy up the mess I had made looking, I heard something fall. I took my broom and pushed out whatever it was and there, underneath the bed at the very farthest corner it could be, was my wallet!

Once again, He comes through! If you have time, share a way God has answered prayer for you in the comments section!

Have a wonderful day!

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