Saturday, August 22, 2020

Surprise Saturday: An Open Letter To My Primary Sunday School Teacher

I wrote this letter to one of my Sunday School teachers years ago. I feel it is really important to make sure you let people know that they made a difference in your life while they are still alive. You never know the impact you could have.


I was up around 1am this know how babies are! Anyway, I tried to back to sleep and couldn't. I started thinking about Heaven and how exciting it was to know that we are going there soon. I finally got out of bed and started reading Revelation. When I started reading about the New Jerusalem, I thought about you...

I am sure you are wondering why I would think of you and the New Jerusalem as going together! Well, I remember when I was in your Sunday School Class. In Fourth Grade, I believe. One Sunday we were studying about Heaven and everything that will be there. I will never forget the replica of the New Jerusalem that you brought to class. I was so impressed! I would almost picture the real thing, I was able to imagine what that would be like and it excited me as a young child. It made Heaven real for me, not just something that would happen someday, but a real place. 

So many times since then, I have tried to picture in my mind how you did it and how fun it must have been for you to put it together. I have wanted to do one myself, and still have not done it.

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that your replica made an impression on me and brought the Bible alive to me. Every time I read Revelations, I think of you. And think how you so positively affected my life in so many ways!

You were one of my favorite Sunday School teachers and I will never forget how you changed my outlook on the Bible.

Love ya and God Bless,


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