It is my mother's birthday today, so I hope you have fun reading her answers. Enjoy and Happy Birthday, Marme!
1. What is your name? Paula Jordan
2. What do you think of garden gnomes? No feelings
3. You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What will you do with it? Lots of manure for the garden. Sell my great tasting veggies
4. If you had to be shipwrecked on a deserted island and had all your basic needs like food, water and shelter taken care of, what would be the two things you would want with you? My bible and hubby
5. How much would you charge to wash every window in our town?$10.50 a window
6. Design a spice rack for the blind: Attach scratch and sniff sticker on each spice
7. How many pennies would fit in our living room? Several thousands in several layers
8. What was the last gift you gave someone? My hubby, his Christmas present
9. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently? Not much been sick and out of commission
10. Describe the color yellow to someone who is blind. Yellow is the feeling of the sun in your face, the smell of a Rose and the touch of someone you love.
10. You open the front door and there is a penguin wearing a sombrero. He walks in the house, why is he there and what does he say? He's is looking for a free meal, he heard I was a soft touch for a loan and meal.
12. If you opened a store, what would you sell? My neighbor's art, since she won't
13. What's a memory that makes you happy? When I prayed with John's cousin, Jessica, over 30 yrs ago and Jesus saved her. The light and joy that was is her face.
14. On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents? 12
15. Would you rather live a week in the past or a week in the future? In the past
16. If you could ask your pet three questions, what would they be?
- 1. What were you thinking, when you did that dumb jump?
- 2. Why do you groom John's head of hair? (She will hold him down to do it.)
- 3. Why are you jealous of Heidi? (Seriously, she is!)
18. What sound do you love the most? My husband snoring. I think God he is sleeping soundly.
19. What is the worst thing you did as a kid? I shoplifted
20. What is something you want people to know about you? I live with no regrets because of Jesus, my Savior.
I hope you had fun reading mom's answers! If you have a chance, be sure and wish her a Happy Birthday!
Have a great weekend,
If you want to read the first interview I did: Peter's Interview
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