Thursday, February 14, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Sewing Projects Part One

In January 2009, I was happily sewing up a storm for my girls and as well as for my friend's girls. Since I originally posted in two posts, I thought I would keep it that way when reposting. So here is Part One, Part Two will come out next Thursday:

I have been sewing up a storm the past couple days. Yesterday I made a dress for my oldest daughter. I was using a pattern, which, I might add is not my greatest forte. I am much better at following patterns in my head. This morning I made a skirt for another daughter. 
My friend liked it so well that she bought material so that I could make skirts for all four of her daughters! I had fun this afternoon making the skirts for her and just finished a little while ago. It only took about 5 hours.  Not too bad. I will take photos of the skirts and post them on here later. 
I did something new and put pockets on the two littlest girls skirts. I like it so well that I am going to do it for my two youngest tomorrow. I am not sure if my older two would like pockets, but I will ask them. Never know, they might! 
I love seeing my girls dressed like young ladies. And they take such pleasure in looking ladylike!
While I was at the store earlier, I found the softest material to make slips for my oldest two daughters. They need them with a few of their dresses. However, slips are extremely hard to find. (Like having to search for them online.) And even when you do find them, they are frightfully expensive! Usually $10-$20 a piece! With four girls, you can well imagine that I cannot afford those prices. Even for only one or two. However, when I was at the store, I found the most wonderful material for only $2 a yard. With the yardage and elastic, it only cost me $5 to make two slips!! YAY!
 I really enjoyed sewing for my girls when they were little. Interestingly enough, McKenzie told me the other day that she would like me to make her some more skirts like the ones I used to make. She said that they were so comfortable and she missed them! So...I guess my sewing days are not quite over is a picture of the girls about the time I made the skirts. In fact, Sierra and Shelby are wearing two of the skirts I made.

Look for next week's post that shows pictures of the skirts I made for my friend's daughters.

Praying that your Valentine's Day is a wonderful blessing to you,

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