Thursday, May 30, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Bounced To Sleep!

Welcome to Throwback Thursday,
It has been a lot of fun to go through old pictures here recently, I was so excited when I found this picture below because it was from the first year that we had Tony. We don't have a lot of online pictures of him during that time period as I still was printing off everything then.

January 25, 2009-

I just went to check on my son who was playing in his bouncy seat. It was really quiet, which is unusual for him. Usually, he has that thing bouncing all over the living room! He had literally, and I mean literally bounced himself to sleep! When I walked in the room, he stirred a little bit, set the music off on the bouncy seat and even that didn't wake him up. Clearly church that morning had worn him out! It was so cute and funny that I ran and got Peter to show him. Then we took several photos!
That made my day! Nothing like a good laugh!

The bouncy seat he had at the time of the memory was like a "Johnny Jump Up" but in a bouncy chair like the one above. And he would bounce and bounce to his heart's content!

What has made you smile today?
Have a great rest of the month,

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