Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Madness: Even Mama Needs a Break

When I was a young mom, I remember feeling so guilty if I did anything for myself such as go out to dinner with friends, take a nap or go for a walk by myself. There was always so much to do. The list was a never-ending rotating event of laundry, dishes, cleaning, rocking, sleepless nights and nursing/feeding tots.

I remember thinking "If I have downtime, how will all these tasks get done?"...

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Man and His Boys...

 One December Day in 2017, Peter decided to take the boys for a hike...

They went to one of the local hiking trails and enjoyed some "man" time...

Thankfully, Peter remembered to take pics for me...


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not So Wordless Wedneday: Look, Mom!

You just never know what you will find in a bathroom! With our summer church camp coming up, it reminded me of this picture that Noah insisted I take last summer at camp. We walked into a bathroom that they had remodeled and Noah was blown away by there being a "Mommy" toilet and a "baby" toilet.

It never fails to amaze me...the things that catch this boy's attention...

Have a great week and be observant!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday Madness: The Lord Is My Shepherd

Dear Friends and Family,

Something that I am thinking about today has to do with our spiritual growth as soldiers for the Lord. As a soldier in the physical world, you are expecting to exercise physically, mentally and emotionally to face the battlefield.

The same goes for the spiritual world. We need to be prepared for battle. One of those ways is to memorize scripture. I find it so thrilling that when you need a scripture, that the Lord will bring it to your mind!

As a parent, you aren't always sure how much your kids are listening. In fact, with my boys, I really wonder! They have minds that are constantly on the move and don't seem to settle on any topic unless it is one they are interested in.

Our six year old loves Jesus as much as his little heart can understand. He loves to memorize scripture and will often quote it to us. Recently while taking Tony to school, I quoted the 23rd Psalm to the boys. They were impressed because so far, they have both only learned a verse at a time. I let them know that they can learn it and I was probably pretty young when I learned it. Noah told me that he wanted to learn the 23rd Psalm that day and we have been working on it.

Early this morning, I was up working at the computer in the trailer when I heard his little voice talking in his sleep. I stopped to listen to what he was saying and realized he was quoting Psalm 23 in his sleep! In. His. Sleep!

It was the sweetest thing to hear!

Lately, I have been going through some things that literally have had me at my Father's feet begging for help to understand. Things I never thought I would have to go through.

The verse that we are learning right now is:

 "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11

This verse has been helping me. I know that the Lord will not withhold anything that is good from me if I make sure to follow Him and His example for me.

Is the Lord your shepherd?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Praying your week is blessed,

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Not So Wordless Wednesday: What Bridge?

Last summer we were going for a walk down town and ran across this sign. Not only was it no where near any bridge, but it was facing the street! No idea why they decided to put this up but there you have it...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Just Sayin'

Just kidding! Seriously's June! What are your plans for summer?

Have a great week,