Thursday, March 29, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: Ocean-Loving Pup!

If you missed last week: Ocean Lovin' Pup
Next Week: This Little Bunny Sure Made Us Smile

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday Tidings: Trip to DB

Trip to DB

(  Dutch  Bros. )
Going to Dutch Bros Headquarters was a lot of fun!
We were able to watch them roast coffee beans, 
go to the store and take a tour of their processing warehouse.
Here are some pics of 
our trip...



If you missed last week: My Life As A Dog
Next Week: Can You Guess Who This Is?

Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday Madness: Needing Spring/Summer Activity Ideas!

Good morning. friends and family!

While most of us are still enjoying dealing with winter weather, spring and summer are right around the corner. The first day of spring is on March 20th this year and we may or may not be practically counting down the days!
Knowing this makes me antsy to start making my bucket list for spring and summer activities. We do several activities every year that are the same such as going to our family church camp, the girls have a youth camp they go to, and we make several trips to the river.
That being said, we are always on the lookout for new fun activities. If you want to share what your family does in the summer or what you did when your children were younger, please share with me! You can respond to this blog in the comments section or you can email me.
I would love to hear what your family does and see if there are some new activities we can add to our family's fun during the sunny months!

If you missed last week's post: In The Middle Of It

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Friday, March 23, 2018

Family Friday: Kudo Tokens

Good morning, friends and family-
I don't know about you, but one of the best parenting tips I got was to "catch them in the act of being good".

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: Sledding At Grandma's House

Last Year at the Beginning of March we have some crazy weather.

It resulted in this kind of fun:


If you missed last week: Puppy Takes A Shower
Next Week: Lady Loves The Beach

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wordless Wednesday: Mama and Babies

Not So Wordless Video Wednesday: Hard Work Pays Off!

Good morning family and friends,
For the past week, our whole family was working on a project that took a lot of sweat, some blood, and even a few tears!
We have been wanting to put laminate in our home for several years. The carpet was old and several of us have allergies that were intensified by the carpet and all the "treasures" it held.
This past week, our dream became a reality!
I hope you enjoy this short video that took much longer to put together than the actual length of the video! Hopefully, it shows the progress of the week and the finished project. Let me know what you think!

NOTE: I am still learning the software app that I use to put together pictures and videos to make a longer video. I had what I thought was a pretty sweet video only to find out I had gone about it wrong. So needless to say, I cut it back to the basics for this video so I could get it out! I will continue working on my editing skills and hopefully, start putting out some better videos in the future!

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Monday, March 19, 2018

Monday Madness: In The Middle of It...

Good morning, friends and family~
Have you ever had a winter where you look back and think, "Wow...we really went through the illness this year!"?

Friday, March 16, 2018

Family Friday: Living Gluten-Free In A Fast Food World

Good morning, family and friends~

One of the first things we noticed about becoming gluten-free is that traveling changed for us. We didn't usually plan too much for food when traveling and simply planned on stopping at gas stations and fast food places for snacks and meals. Even then, the majority of us ate relatively healthy.
It wasn't till we went gluten-free that we realized this changed all our options. We realized we would not always find the GF and sugar-free options we needed. We also realized that some of us (who will go unnamed!) made rather poor choices on the road.

So what to do? Simply, I started packing our own snacks! Now when we go on our road trip, I pack a couple crates. One has water bottles, sparkling water and sometimes Gatorade. In another crate, I put nuts, fruit, bean chips etc. Things to take the edge off of the munchie monsters that travel with us!

Mealtime can be difficult, but it doesn't have to be. No matter where you go, there are usually items that are gluten-free. Almost every burger joint has salads. If not, you can usually ask to have your hamburger wrapped in lettuce.

SIDE NOTE: One of my favorite things to do when I go grocery shopping is to stop and get my favorite roast beef sandwich and eat it with a fork! (You might know which fast food place I am referring to here.)

My advice is if you know the general area of where you are traveling, arrange your day around where you can get a GF option. For instance, we know the freeways North of us, so we know exactly where we can stop and get a healthy lunch or dinner. However, driving South, we would want to get online and look at what is offered in the towns we would be passing through.

Plus, if you pack lots of water and snacks, you will be fine if you cannot find a restaurant or fast food option that will work.

It's not hard, just think outside the bun!

If you missed last week: Our Family and Games

Next Week: Kudo Tokens

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: Our Puppy Takes A Shower

I mentioned several weeks ago that I had figured out how to upload some really old videos from Google Pics to use in blog posts. For the rest of the year, I will be posting short clips of our family that were taken in past years. I hope you enjoy them!

Today, we have a short clip of out a special little dog...

Several years ago, about seven actually, we got a little black lab mix puppy that we fell in love with immediately. One thing we noticed right away, she loved water! Her name is Lady and she is now a beautiful mature and still slightly wacky dog that we still love and adore!

I hope you enjoy this short clip from when Lady was about 15 weeks old in 2012:

If you missed last week: New Washer And Dryer 2009
Next Week: Sledding At Grandma's House

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday Tidings: Golden Ghost Town

Tuesday's Tidings Are Brought By:


Golden Ghost Town

The thought of it being a ghost town is creepy!
Here are some pics of Golden...

 and a video.
Well that's all for now


If you missed last week: Essential Oils That Help Me
Next Week: My Life As A Dog by Sierra

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: New Washer And Dryer 2009

This originally posted in 2009 sometime:

I am so thankful for the Love of Jesus Christ. I don't know that there are words to express just how thankful I am. If it wasn't for Christ's love, none of us would be saved and we would have no hope of Heaven. If I didn't have a hope of Heaven, I would not be able to stand the things that are thrown my way. So thankful for the Lord!
Had such a wonderful prayer meeting last night. One of the best parts being that I was actually able to pray without being interrupted. A friend took Little Mr to the nursery with her. I don't usually let him go to the nursery. However, I really trust her because she has a REALLY sharp eagle on the kids. At any rate, it was so great to pray without having to worry about the kids.
Another wonderful answer to prayer: We got a practically BRAND new matched washer and dryer set! I was actually sad to see my old ones go. We have had them almost 11 years! It's like parting with dear, dear friends who I have loved and worked with for a really long time! I mean, when you think of all the dirty kiddy clothes, husband work clothes, barfed on blankets, wet blankets, my clothing, towels, bedding, shoes....the story those appliances would be able to tell!

Here is how we came to own a practically brand new set: A week or two ago, my daughters and I realized that the dryer was not always drying. Sometimes it would, then it wouldn't. Back and forth. So the cheaper way to go would be to put in a new element. But we really didn't have the money for even that.  I have been hanging onto my dear dryer and hoping for the best. This past Saturday a friend called and asked if I wanted a gently used washer and dryer. FOR FREE! Is God AWESOME or WHAT???? They were even able to deliver them to us. Hubby got them hooked up for me tonight and I feel so blessed! God is so awesome and incredible! Gotta give Him Praise!!! Lord willing, we will be able to find a home for our old washer as it still works great. The will get to become some recycled thing in the future.

A little side-note: You may have noticed that I changed the title of my Thursday Posts. They were Blast From The Crazy Past. However, in keeping with the other titles of my blog posts I decided to rename it Throw-Back Thursday. Same content, different name!

If you missed last week: Guardian Angels
Next Week: Puppy Takes A Shower

Until next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Close Friends

I have many, many friends. All are awesome and unique.
Today I'm going to share some pictures of some very close friends of mine.

Embrace Life,

Friday, March 2, 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Throw Back Thursday: Guardian Angels...

Welcome To Throw Back Thursday!
(Formally Blast From The Crazy Past)

This post was written in 2005 shortly after we moved to our current location.
Shelby was a tiny infant, Sierra was 18 months old,
Jordyn was 3 years and McKenzie was 5 years old...