Saturday, October 22, 2016

Field Trip With T-Boss

Today was a field trip to the local Fire Department for T-Boss and I. There were around 20 other home-school kiddos there as well. Including one little girl who latched onto T-Boss insisting he hold her hand throughout the tour!

We have gone to this particular Fire Station several times in the past, but it never fails to get T-Boss excited whenever we go.

Here are 5 things T-Boss thought were cool and will be writing sentences on for school:

  • I saw a ladder-fire truck where they get animals down from trees.
  • I learned that they wear fire suits to go into fires.
  • I learned about all the tools on the fire truck.
  • I saw a fire man go down the pole.
  • I saw their offices where they work in the building.

Today was a star day for my little man....
In all the years we have gone to the Fire Department, he has ALWAYS refused to get on the fire truck. It's not that he wasn't curious. He was scared. It was a long ways up and with his vestibule issues, it scared him to be up where it might not be stable. 
Today was a little girl convinced him that it was okay simply by reaching out and being a friend. She had latched onto him from the very beginning, grabbing his hand and insisting that he join her and her little friend. When it came time to walk up onto the firetruck, he just followed her right up! No complaining, no nervousness, no crying. I asked if he needed help and "Nope." My boy walked up into that firetruck and back down with no help! Amazing what the power of a friend can do...or a super cute girl! (I'm already praying for his wife!)

It was a really fun day and I was 
so excited to see him grow and
mature today!

1 comment:

  1. He let me know this could be serious relationship, not sure what mom would think. We decided to wait before we got you too concerned. More or less our conversation


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