Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blast From The Crazy Past- I Am From...

I Am From…(Originally posted in 2008)
By Heidi

I am from farmland, long country roads and beautiful starry nights…

From Cabbage Patch, Care Bears and Rainbow Bright…

I am from the one-store town, friendly outgoing people and Brownie Troops…

I am from tall grass, the soft summer breezes blowing the fresh smells of hay and cow poop…

I am from camping trips and prayer warriors, from Great-Great Grandma Joli, Aunt Blanche and Great-Grandma Henderson…

I am from a warm, loving family, a younger brother who was always my protector and six sets of grandparents who were all biological…

From "if you cross your eyes, they're gonna stick", "pick up your feet" and "suck in your stomach"…

I am from the Old Time Gospel, prayer meetings that lasted forever, foot washin' and song-singin', parents who prayed long into the night, and pastors, teachers and family members who prayed for me…

I am from Southern _____ , Ancestors who traveled across the sea, Indians who freely roamed and Sparring nations…

From beans, corn bread and butter n sugar sandwiches…

I am from watching my grandpa die from cancer, the great-grandpa who said,"Don't fall down, fall up!" and praying my relatives would stop smoking so they wouldn't die like my other grandpa…

I am from albums jam-packed with photos, countless hours listening to stories at family gatherings, silent movies and slide shows…

Mainly I am from a wonderfully blessed family, full of God's love… 

From blessings uncountable, healings thought impossible and lives Saved…

Because of Him…I can be "From"…


  1. Yep! That's you! Blessed to be a blessing.

  2. That's the truth! I wish we could live out in the country.


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