Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday Madness: Websites I Love

Welcome to Monday Madness where I will talk about pretty much anything that comes to mind. From homeschooling to special needs to strange blog posts about silly objects to interviewing a family never know what you might read on Monday Madness! Enjoy!

As I have said before, I am not sponsored by any of these websites. These are five websites that I enjoy or have enjoyed in the past:

In no particular order:
  1. Our church has a fantastic website, I really enjoy all the resources they have. You can even go here and download their app to your phone and have it on the go!
  2. If you are a blogger and need help automatically having your posts load to your social sites, then IFTTT is the website for you! It also helps with a bazillion other things, however, automatically having my blog posts upload to different sites is my favorite use.
  3. I love my "physical" Bible, however, when I am online and want to plug a verse in real quick, I like going to this Official King James Version website. It's easy to look up verses as well as have them read to you while you are working on something else.
  4. If you play an instrument or sing....or maybe you are like me and constantly forgetting all the words to songs, Higher Praise is a great tool. I use it for getting lyrics and chords, although I found out that they have videos on there as well.
  5. Most of you know that we homeschool, I absolutely LOVE this teacher's resource for printing off activities and additional helps for my kiddos. Awesome stuff on there.

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!

Numbers 6:24-26

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