Monday, April 17, 2017

Monday Madness: "It's So Peaceful Here..."

Welcome to Monday Madness where I will talk about pretty much anything that comes to mind. From homeschooling to special needs to strange blog posts about silly objects to interviewing a family never know what you might read on Monday Madness! Enjoy!

Not too long ago, a girl walked in our home...
She let out a HUGE sigh, relaxed her shoulders and said...
"It's so peaceful here..."

This young lady had been through a lot in the previous months and one of her favorite things to do was come by and just visit for a little bit and soak up the peacefulness.

This wasn't the first time I have heard this. We currently have six children and I guess people expect our house to be wild and crazy constantly. Don't get me wrong, it has it's moments! But I have to admit....I really like coming home.

I want our home to be a safe haven from the crazy complicated world. A place where, like the young lady mentioned above, it is peaceful....tranquil...joyful.

Some things I like to do to create a peaceful atmosphere in our home include:

  • Diffusing essential oils. Some of our favorite uplifting oils are citrus oils like lime, wild orange and lemon.
  • Scripture. I love the Word and I love being reminded of God's Promises through out the day. So we have scripture hanging all over the house where our eyes can see. I might have an obsession with scripture canvases!
  • Music. Not just any music but uplifting and encouraging music. Music that draws our minds to the true Prince of Peace. 

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!


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