Friday, December 22, 2017

Favorite Christmas Memory or Tradition

 My Favorite Christmas Traditions By Jordyn

Today, my mom asked me to write about my favorite Christmas tradition...

I have NO idea what my favorite Christmas tradition is. I mean, there are so many
different things. Like the Christmas tree, the lights, the songs, the food...

The list goes on. And on. And ON. 

So I narrowed it down to what things came to my mind FIRST when I thought of Christmas. So the answer is The Nativity Scene that we set up every year. 

This year we had to put it up a little higher than normal so
that Little Mr wouldn't get any ideas. 

Every year around Thanksgiving, we bring out our boxes of Christmas movies, books, and decorations.
My favorite Christmas movie is The Nativity.
We spend all day finding a place for all the decorations to go. 

And what is the first thing that I look for? 
You guessed it, the Nativity set.
 I love being able to set up all the pieces that tell about our Messiah's birth. My favorite piece is little baby Jesus. I love holding that little figurine and imagining the joy that Mary must have felt the first time that she held him.
Once I get every piece into just the right spot, I stand back and take a look
at my handiwork. There is such a wonderful feeling to see that little Nativity Scene
right where it belongs every year. 

Every time I walk past it, I am reminded of several things:

First of all, John 3:16. "For GOD so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have 
everlasting life." 

Sometimes I feel so undeserving of the gift that GOD gave to mankind.
But every time I look at that little Nativity, I am reminded of how much GOD loves me, 
" For GOD sent not His son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world 
through Him might be saved." John 3:17

As we live through this Christmas season, let us all remember the TRUE meaning of Christmas, and let us all shine our lights,
so that the world may remember as well why we celebrate, for Jesus truly is the reason
for the season. 


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