Welcome to the Midweek Minute
Where I talk about the here and now...
(Listening to Christmas Play List On Spotify)
Ok....where did the year go?
I was sitting here getting ready to look at where I want to go in the coming year with my blog and it hit me...I have no idea where the last year went!
Wasn't I just sitting here a few minutes ago at the end of 2016 contemplating the year and planning for this year of 2017?
SO bizarre!
I thought it would be fun to go down Memory Lane for a few minutes and give you links to a blog or two for each month of this past year December 2016 to now. So grab a cup of tea, coffee or glass of water and join me in remembering what happened in our family over the past year!
December 2016-
On this particular day, we had gone to my parents to make goodies for their upcoming house party. If you look closely, you might see the back of the head of our newest family member that joined us in November.
January 2017-
Who can forget the horrible ice storms that greeted our area at the beginning of 2017?
February 2017-
Two things happened in February that are memorable to me...
1) I had been dealing with horrible health issues that had caused severe exhaustion, pain, and frustration.
2) We had our first experience with lice, ick!
March 2017-
Despite my bad health, I was able to spend time with our youngest son's birth momma at the park!
April 2017-
In April, I was finally able to have my surgery. What a relief that was!
May 2017-
Our oldest daughter turned 18. How did this even happen? What happens to time? I used to chuckle to myself when my grandma would make comments about time going by faster as you get older. Now I make the same comments to my kids and they shake their heads exactly like I did...
June 2017-
One of my daughter Sierra's sweet birds died in June. It was a sad time for all of us as Olive was a character that made us all laugh.
July 2017-
My blogging slowed down in July. We went through some changes and I didn't have the heart to share what was going on as it was very personal. It caused a time of growth in me that wouldn't have come without the hard times and I wouldn't change it. One of my favorite verses was posted during the month of July that gave me hope and faith that God would see me through.
August 2017-
When August came, I found myself going through a period of grieving. Part of my life had changed in a way that I find I have no words to explain. Despite it all, I clung to these three verses:
September 2017-
The infamous trip with my girls to go to a Bridal Shower...
October 2017-
Peter went on a trip and left me alone...with six kids...for five days... I survived but I sure appreciated getting my hubby back!
November 2017-
Was that really last month? This guy turned 10!
And that brings us to this month...December 2017...
I hope you enjoyed this trip down Memory Lane with me! As you end this year and look forward to the coming year ahead, think about all the ways God has blessed you, answered prayer and watched out for you. Maybe take the time to write them down or type them up. Then when you need to, pull it out and remember, God loves you!
Until next time...
Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!
Numbers 6:24-26
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