Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Madness: My Grandpa & The Newspaper

For years, actually, more like decades, my grandpa saved newspaper articles on whatever interested him. It might be wedding and birth announcements, something political that he found interesting or a comic that made him chuckle.

After he passed away, we pulled a couple of those albums out that he had carefully lued newspaper clippings in and imagine how fun it was to see two of me when I landed in the newspaper as a little girl.

I have to made my heart skip a beat to see his familiar handwriting with my name printed neatly next to one of the clippings...I miss you, grandpa!

Time has gone by, but it doesn't erase the fact
that you still miss those you love!

Won't Heaven be wonderful??

Only two more days of April, how will you spend them?

Take time to enjoy your family!

God bless,

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Throwback Thursday- My Children's Prayers

Welcome to Throwback Thursday,
The following post was written well over 12 years ago and was one of my favorites. Such great reminders of the innocent and trusting prayers of children who know their Lord is going to answer. I pray my children always remember their roots and how God has been answering their prayers from the time they were tiny.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Midweek Minute: When You Don't Succeed...

When you don't succeed...
Try, Try again!

Earlier this week I tried to send out a video of our Easter pictures...
Sadly, it failed miserable!

However, it's working now, so I hope you enjoy Round Two!

Not So Wordless Wednesday: In Memory Of....

Grandpa Jordan...
We miss you.

Until we meet again in Heaven!

Wordless Wednesday: Hat Day

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Tuesday Tidings: Funny Pictures By Shelby

Hey everyone!

I recently went through some old pictures and found some funny pictures of Sierra and I.
 I think the person taking the pictures were taken by my mother or by my sister McKenzie.
 P.S. I'm the one in the chair wearing the hat and ladybug shirt,
 and Sierra is the one in the pink dress and plaid hat.

Well that's all for now.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Sing A Song Poem

Here we are, throwing back to the 2009-2010 school year:

It would be interesting to know whether McKenzie remembers the tune to this little poem she wrote for me back in 2009 at the ripe old age of 9 years old. If I remember, she was in a silly mood...per usual!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Family Friday: Happy Blogging Anniversary!

Dear Friends and Family,

It's hard to believe that it has been 14 years since I started blogging. I remember my husband telling me that I had enough crazy stuff happening with our sweet little family that I could write a book, so why not start with a blog. It hasn't been a continuous 14 years. There were a few down times in there. But the following post is the first one I wrote that started off my journey. I hope you enjoy!