Monday, March 7, 2011

Bread Making Recipes

So we have a unique situation in our home. It took several years to get used to this idea for me: My husband LOVES to bake and cook! He loves it! He informs me that it helps him relax. After seeing how much his father loves the kitchen, I have learned to relax and let my guy take over at least two-thirds of the kitchen. Not that I hate cooking or baking, but he loves it SO much more than me!

Anyway, for years we have made home-made bread off and on. We love it, but never baked it as a necessity, more as a treat. After seeing the cost of bread rise and considering that we go through almost a loaf of bread a meal, I have decided that we will start making our own bread from now on! Besides, we like our bread better than store bought anyway!

I would love to collect recipes from people and am hoping that I will get some responses to this blog!

Yummy Bread Pics:

Doesn't that make you want to get your hands in some flour right now???

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