Thursday, March 3, 2011

I can't get enough...!

So my hubby begs me to start a homeschooling blog and a few days later, I realize I would also love to have a homemaking blog. I love reading other ladies' blogs about how they organize and run their homes. Plus, I have a lot of ideas and like to bat them around!

In case you are not on my home-schooling blog at:, I will tell you a little about myself:

My name is Heidi! Great start, eh? I am married to my wonderful husband, Peter. We have been blessed with four bio daughters and a son that we are finishing up the adoption on. We have had him since he was 8 months old and he just turned three a couple months ago. Our daughters are almost 12, almost 10, 7 and 6 years old.

Ever since I was a little tiny girl, I remember that I wanted nothing more than being a wife and mother. I had dozens of baby dolls, loved babysitting when I was old enough and was even a nanny for a while. The first part of my dream was answered in June of 1998 when I married my best friend, Peter. The second part started in the following year when I gave birth to my first daughter, Mac. I love my job! I would not trade being a wife and mother for all the money in the world. While I get tired and worn out sometimes, like any person with a 24/7 job, it is SO worth it. The blessings are daily and even on the worst day, I can say, "I am so thankful for my family!".

The purpose of this blog is to write out some of my thoughts, questions and ideas that have to do with homemaking. I hope to encourage and be encouraged!

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