Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's happening! We're doing it!

Talked to hubby and he was on board with us switching to schooling year round! When I talked to the girls and asked what they thought about five weeks of school, then a couple weeks off, you would have thought I had told them we were going to have ice cream for breakfast! They love the idea! We will even be able to start now, won't have to wait till next school year. 

So how did I figure it out? I looked at what our normal school schedule has been and counted how many weeks of school there are in a typical school year. Then I took a calendar, I highlighted the normal times we take breaks such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, three weeks in summer when my parents are in town. Then I figured out what weeks we would have school and where we would have a couple other breaks. I am really happy with the outcome. I think this will be a better fit for our family. Looking forward to seeing how it works out over the next few months!

Fred, George, Mac and Bob enjoying a walk!


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