Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Learning Home Ec In The Home: Making Oatmeal

I am going to be starting a new section called Learning Home Ec In The Home! I am not sure yet how to put all my different posts into sections where you can read just about certain things. I am not that "blog savvy" yet! Someday I will be! In the meantime, anything that starts with this title will be about what I am teaching my daughters in our home. Things that they will take with them as they start their own homes. It will include cooking lessons, baking lessons, home care lessons etc...I have a whole list of things I want to make sure I have taught them before they leave home. For my oldest, that could be in as little as 6 years!!! Hard to believe and makes me realize how fast the past (almost) 12 years have gone. My daughters all desire to be wives and mothers, something that warms my heart. They have also said that they want to be just like me when they grow up which humbles me so much! It also makes me want to try harder to make sure I have taught them what they need to know.

Today's lesson seems so simple, and it was. It was simply the art of making oatmeal. I have wrote a blog about oatmeal on my Facebook page, it is for the letter M. I will be getting that over here soon and I will link up to it. Here is a short snippet on what I wrote about oatmeal to wet your whistle:
"So....oatmeal is my least favorite food, as my mother, can attest to. I remember one time, sitting at the table trying to eat some oatmeal and gagging. My mom, told me to go to my room cause I was apparently making a scene...on the way, I almost passed out, not really sure why."

That was one of my favorite blogs and I will get it over here as soon as I can!

Anyway, my children LOVE oatmeal!  It dawned on me last night: I need to teach them to make their favorite food! So today, I taught my older two how to make it over the stove. How to prepare the extra ingredients to go in it. Today it was apples, brown sugar, butter and milk.

The results: A+! Well, I am assuming. I, naturally, did not have any. However, their siblings gave RAVE reviews! I am happy to say, my girls not only know how to make oatmeal with flaxseed, but they also can tell you the health benefits of eating oatmeal and how flaxseed helps your body. Yay!

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