Monday, October 31, 2016

What I Am Learning....

About blogging....what I have learned so far probably makes professional bloggers roll their eyes.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Blast From The Crazy Past- I Am From...

I Am From…(Originally posted in 2008)
By Heidi

I am from farmland, long country roads and beautiful starry nights…

From Cabbage Patch, Care Bears and Rainbow Bright…

I am from the one-store town, friendly outgoing people and Brownie Troops…

I am from tall grass, the soft summer breezes blowing the fresh smells of hay and cow poop…

I am from camping trips and prayer warriors, from Great-Great Grandma Joli, Aunt Blanche and Great-Grandma Henderson…

I am from a warm, loving family, a younger brother who was always my protector and six sets of grandparents who were all biological…

From "if you cross your eyes, they're gonna stick", "pick up your feet" and "suck in your stomach"…

I am from the Old Time Gospel, prayer meetings that lasted forever, foot washin' and song-singin', parents who prayed long into the night, and pastors, teachers and family members who prayed for me…

I am from Southern _____ , Ancestors who traveled across the sea, Indians who freely roamed and Sparring nations…

From beans, corn bread and butter n sugar sandwiches…

I am from watching my grandpa die from cancer, the great-grandpa who said,"Don't fall down, fall up!" and praying my relatives would stop smoking so they wouldn't die like my other grandpa…

I am from albums jam-packed with photos, countless hours listening to stories at family gatherings, silent movies and slide shows…

Mainly I am from a wonderfully blessed family, full of God's love… 

From blessings uncountable, healings thought impossible and lives Saved…

Because of Him…I can be "From"…

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Field Trip With T-Boss

Today was a field trip to the local Fire Department for T-Boss and I. There were around 20 other home-school kiddos there as well. Including one little girl who latched onto T-Boss insisting he hold her hand throughout the tour!

We have gone to this particular Fire Station several times in the past, but it never fails to get T-Boss excited whenever we go.

Here are 5 things T-Boss thought were cool and will be writing sentences on for school:

  • I saw a ladder-fire truck where they get animals down from trees.
  • I learned that they wear fire suits to go into fires.
  • I learned about all the tools on the fire truck.
  • I saw a fire man go down the pole.
  • I saw their offices where they work in the building.

Today was a star day for my little man....

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Blast From The Crazy Past (TBT) - Cutie Patooties

Before I started this blog back on February 27, 2011, I had had a couple blogs before. One was called luvmymunchkinz on Xanga and the other.....I can't remember. 
(Someday I will remember and I will update this.)

Anyway...if you look at my past blog posts you will see that I did several posts dating back to 2005 called "Blast From The Crazy Past" in which I posted old blog posts from old blogs. One to keep the memories, two for posterity's sake and three to combine things into one spot.

Today, I decided to go check out my old Xanga account so that possibly I could do some more Blast From The Crazy Past posts like this one for future posts. Do I have you confused yet???? No?? Rats.

I found some photos that tickled me and I thought I would share them. Let's see if you know who anyone in this picture is:

Recognize these kiddos and the handsome man??
Here are a couple more: you can see, I found pictures...hoping I can open old posts. Xanga has changed a bunch of things and while they say they still have my old posts, I have to figure out how to get to them. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane! 

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what happened to my babies!

Numbers 6:24-26

Testing Mobile Out...

The other day my mom clued me into the fact uses a mobile app as well. She wanted to know if I had used it. I am!
I will say that I am not sure I care for it so far. I can't figure out how to add pictures which would be one reason why I would like to use the mobile app. Right now I take pictures, usually on my phone, upload them to Google Drive, then go to my computer and download to my computer so I can upload to my blog. If I could cut that out...that would be easier.....
(Time passes...)
Ok....I figured out how to add a picture...question is: where in the blog will it show up??
I really don't know....but if you see a pic of me...we had success. By we, I mean me! Lol

Check This Out: Clear back in 2011 I tried to post from my phone! 

Where To Go From Here....

I'll be honest...I really haven't known where to go with this blog. I had numerous family members and friends let me know over the past couple years that they missed my blog and wanted me to write again...

So I did. On October 9, 2016, I got back on the band wagon and was really excited to do it!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

It's Ba-ack....

Cloth diapering....guess what? It's back. (I'm not sure it ever completely left...) Believe it or not....I am a huge supporter of it! Here's why you may not believe it:

Saturday, October 15, 2016

To Storm or Not To Storm....

Today was supposed to be one of those earth-shaking, once in a life-time, you'll-tell-your-grandkids-about-this type days.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Sleep Deprivation?

Not me!

Having A Child With Unique Needs...

Having a child with unique needs makes for an interesting household. We have a couple diagnosis for T-Boss. One is a physical diagnosis: Dandy Walker Variant. The other is neurological: Sensory Processing Disorder. 

At another time, I will write more about what it was like to get either of those diagnosis. Today is more about how we deal with his diagnosis now....

Sunday, October 9, 2016's been three years.... name is Heidi....its been three years since my last post. Do you forgive me?

I feel like I should start this blog with an apology...