For the past two weeks we have been working on the process of transitioning a little boy into our home. He will be joining us officially tomorrow.
Last week, I met his mother and grandparents and let them know that our family is there for their family. That we are family advocates and want to see them succeed. We don't know the exact circumstances of this family. But one thing we do know: God brought our paths together for a reason. We have been praying about this family before we knew they would be in our lives. There are no accidents in life.
The past couple days were spent on the road with his current foster mom going to a Dr's appointment several hours away. It was a great experience getting to know his foster mom better, seeing his behaviors in action and learning more about him in general.
Like most kiddos in foster care, he is like an onion with lots of time goes on, more is revealed about him, his life and how he processes all of that.
Our life is going to change....every placement has their special needs, requirements and change to your family. It requires you to stretch, grow and learn.
It is an adjustment....and so worth it.
Over the next few days, as you enjoy your family Thanksgiving....please remember those whose families are disrupted. Families that have little ones that are not currently living with them...
Looking forward to getting to know the little one who already calls us papa and auntie Ann (lol)