Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Time With My Friend's Kids.....

I have always loved kiddos and spending time with them. Even dearer to my heart: Spending time with my friend's kids. There is something so special about spending time with kids that I have watched grow up over the years.

This particular day I happened to have a couple of my friend Tanya's girls, her twins. Her twins have been pals of my younger girls since, well...pretty much birth. All of our girls have been friends from birth actually!

One of our favorite places to go, no matter what time of year or weather, is to go to a Fish Hatchery that is 1.5 hours away. There is a park near it that we usually get out and have lunch at. This particular trip, we found a really awesome park with this giant spider web type thing that the kids LOVED playing on!

Then there was the usual trip to check out the fish and the river....

The thing I loved the most was listening and watching my kids and their friends playing and just enjoying being kids. It seems to me that kids are in such an all fire push to grow up and not enjoy life. It's not just them though, it's almost like society is pushing them into it. It saddens me!

But these kids....their imaginations just flow and flow and it is so much fun to watch! I'm going to enjoy it as long as I can!

Till next time...

Have a blessed day and embrace the craziness in your life!


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