Friday, November 11, 2016

I'm Thankful For: Homeschooling

Sis making a nest...
Most anyone who has been reading my blog for very long or knows me personally, knows that we are a home school family.
We have been homeschooling for around 14 years. While we have had some stressful years, the Lord has always been faithful to us for keeping the calling He gave our family so many years ago.

Listening to George complain...
Every year looks different for us as our lives and schedules are constantly changing. The past couple years we were fostering a school aged child so we had to work around that. This year we were able to go back to having our own homeschooling schedule and it has been really nice!

This year we have a Senior and a Sophomore in high-school. Then we have two in Middle School, 6th and 7th grades. Lastly, comes T-Boss in 3rd grade. It's a
wide range and it's fun!

Reading is hard work!
Our son, who has some special needs, goes to the local elementary school for some extra help. They are a wonderful team that respects our decision to home-school and offer support in what ever areas we need. Plus they help us in areas we didn't realize he needed help in. It's a great set up!

My Shells with the funky hair!
So far this year, things are going well. It's been a less challenging year after the stress of the past two years and we are enjoying having a little more flexibility in our schedule again!

Thanks to a friend, we have been going to more field trips than we have in the
past couple years as well. One we are looking forward to in January is a trip to Dutch Bros!!!
I hate math!

That's all the update on the school end of things for now! Hopefully every Friday I will have posts regarding homeschooling. Whether it is what we are currently doing or what has worked for us in the past.

Have a blessed and crazy fun day,

Numbers 6:24-26

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