Thursday, December 5, 2019

Throwback Thursday: 2007's Christmas Update

Dear Friends and Family,
It is so much fun for me to look back and see what was happening years ago. This post happened exactly 12 years ago in 2007 and it's amazing to think of all that has happened since these girls were so tiny. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Day 5 of Thankfulness: Libraries...and Books In General

As most people know, I love books. We are always reading in our home and many of my kiddos actually write books. It always makes me smile to see my kiddos reading and exploring through the power of the written word.
Since we love books, it's only natural that we find ourselves at the library at least once, sometimes twice a week! We went several years without a library, so we are really thankful for it!

Have a wonderful Tuesday,
What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Family Friday: Adoption Awareness Month/Day One Of Thankfulness

Dear Friends and family-

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. It’s a time to celebrate adoptive families and spotlight the thousands of youth and teens across our country who are still awaiting permanent, loving homes.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Thanksgiving Post from 2008

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! Tomorrow starts a month that we recognize for giving thanks all month long. While most of us do a great job of giving thanks throughout the year, I do love taking time to really focus on what I am grateful for. This November, I hope to send a picture a day of what I am thankful for. Here is a blog post I posted back in 2008, so many things have changed in the past 11 years, that I am going to note in red anything that has changed. Hope you enjoy!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Family Friday: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

The Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Movement began in the United States in 1987. On October 25, 1988, American President Ronald Reagan designated the entire month of October 1988 as Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month  (For more information)

Not every one's not common knowledge, but we have had several pregnancy losses. A set of twins and several singletons. The pain goes away over time...but there are times I feel the loss.

If you have suffered loss this are not alone!

God bless,

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Reflecting on Patriot Day

Today is a somber day of reflection...

Earlier this spring I found a journal entry which reflects what happened from
my perspective that day.
I will never forget my cousin banging on my door early that morning...
I grabbed my 2-year old and 4-month old and went to an apartment next door to
watch the news with friends.
I will never forget the terror that gripped my heart and I held tightly to my new baby
and watched the world crumble in front of me...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Monday, June 24, 2019

Monday Madness: Even Mama Needs a Break

When I was a young mom, I remember feeling so guilty if I did anything for myself such as go out to dinner with friends, take a nap or go for a walk by myself. There was always so much to do. The list was a never-ending rotating event of laundry, dishes, cleaning, rocking, sleepless nights and nursing/feeding tots.

I remember thinking "If I have downtime, how will all these tasks get done?"...

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Man and His Boys...

 One December Day in 2017, Peter decided to take the boys for a hike...

They went to one of the local hiking trails and enjoyed some "man" time...

Thankfully, Peter remembered to take pics for me...


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Not So Wordless Wedneday: Look, Mom!

You just never know what you will find in a bathroom! With our summer church camp coming up, it reminded me of this picture that Noah insisted I take last summer at camp. We walked into a bathroom that they had remodeled and Noah was blown away by there being a "Mommy" toilet and a "baby" toilet.

It never fails to amaze me...the things that catch this boy's attention...

Have a great week and be observant!

Monday, June 17, 2019

Monday Madness: The Lord Is My Shepherd

Dear Friends and Family,

Something that I am thinking about today has to do with our spiritual growth as soldiers for the Lord. As a soldier in the physical world, you are expecting to exercise physically, mentally and emotionally to face the battlefield.

The same goes for the spiritual world. We need to be prepared for battle. One of those ways is to memorize scripture. I find it so thrilling that when you need a scripture, that the Lord will bring it to your mind!

As a parent, you aren't always sure how much your kids are listening. In fact, with my boys, I really wonder! They have minds that are constantly on the move and don't seem to settle on any topic unless it is one they are interested in.

Our six year old loves Jesus as much as his little heart can understand. He loves to memorize scripture and will often quote it to us. Recently while taking Tony to school, I quoted the 23rd Psalm to the boys. They were impressed because so far, they have both only learned a verse at a time. I let them know that they can learn it and I was probably pretty young when I learned it. Noah told me that he wanted to learn the 23rd Psalm that day and we have been working on it.

Early this morning, I was up working at the computer in the trailer when I heard his little voice talking in his sleep. I stopped to listen to what he was saying and realized he was quoting Psalm 23 in his sleep! In. His. Sleep!

It was the sweetest thing to hear!

Lately, I have been going through some things that literally have had me at my Father's feet begging for help to understand. Things I never thought I would have to go through.

The verse that we are learning right now is:

 "No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly." Psalm 84:11

This verse has been helping me. I know that the Lord will not withhold anything that is good from me if I make sure to follow Him and His example for me.

Is the Lord your shepherd?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16

Praying your week is blessed,

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Not So Wordless Wednesday: What Bridge?

Last summer we were going for a walk down town and ran across this sign. Not only was it no where near any bridge, but it was facing the street! No idea why they decided to put this up but there you have it...

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Not So Wordless Wednesday: Just Sayin'

Just kidding! Seriously's June! What are your plans for summer?

Have a great week,

Friday, May 31, 2019

Family Friday: First River Trip of 2019

Do you have a favorite spot that you and your family like to go to ever summer?

It may not be amazing or incredible, 

But you all want to go every year?

We have a spot on one of the rivers near us that we go to every Spring and Summer.

It's not a place that everyone wants to go to...

And that's what makes it perfect for us!

We made our first trip for the season a couple weeks ago and I made this video below.


It's the last day of May, go out and enjoy it!

God bless,

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Bounced To Sleep!

Welcome to Throwback Thursday,
It has been a lot of fun to go through old pictures here recently, I was so excited when I found this picture below because it was from the first year that we had Tony. We don't have a lot of online pictures of him during that time period as I still was printing off everything then.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Happy 20th Birthday, McKenzie!

McKenzie has been missing Grandpa Jordan a lot lately...
So I thought I would surprise her by doing a montage of photos
that have her and Grandpa in them.

This picture was taken at Campmeeting. 
Grandpa sure enjoyed his grandkids, you can tell by the grin on his face!

Grandpa with his first great-granddaughter and great-grandson...

Grandma was posing for the picture, but grandpa could hardly keep his eyes off of his grandbaby!

There was always fun to be had at grandpa's house!
He was always thinking of things that would make the grandkids smile.
He would go out of his way to come up with things they would enjoy!

And ending with McKenzie's favorite picture of her and grandpa....

McKenzie, you aren't that little kiddo any more...

It's a good thing!

So thankful for you, sweetheart!


Monday, May 20, 2019

Monday Madness: How To Help Parents That Feel Isolated

Dear Friends and Family...

I made the mistake of deciding to go through some old email folders. I found dozens and dozens of letters from a tough foster case we had a few years ago...

It's amazing that simply reading words on a screen can bring back a rush of feelings and emotions...

The isolation. The hurt. Having no words to explain the behaviors your child has. Friendships ending.

So thankful the Lord brought us through that long, hard trial!

Remembering the isolation and sadness brought to my mind of a support group that I went to last night for parents of special needs kiddos. The question was asked, "When was a difficult time in your life and how did the Lord get you through?" As we went around the room, the number one response was talking about the many times of feeling isolated, alone and hurting.

Sadly, it shouldn't be this way! We should be lifting one another up, looking for ways to encourage and support families that are "different". Families that aren't the typical 2.5 children with the white picket fence, 2 cars, 5-digit income, and the best schools. We, as Christ followers, first named Christians in Acts 11:26, should be looking for ways to support the weak, the family that had special needs children born to them, the foster families, the families that God has led to adopt the orphans, the families that have chosen to take in children with special needs that others have given up on...

My challenge to you this summer is to ask the Lord to show you ways you can help a family with special needs, a family that fosters or a family just struggling for other reasons that might not be clear. Don't be quick to judge and remember that we don't always see what the parents are dealing with. We don't see the sleepless nights, the friendships that are broken and the many, many appointments. We don't always understand the behaviors of their children, the need for strict boundaries or special diets.

However, there are things you can do that can encourage these parents:
  • If you go to a birthday party and see a mom with her child away from everyone, don't assume she doesn't want to talk to people or she is a "helicopter parent". Possibly that child is a "runner" or has safety concerns that need that mama to keep a close eye on him. Perhaps you can go walk around and chat with her while she monitors her child. Trust me, that will make her day! She really wants to be a part of the adult conversation.
  • Listen. Some days, I just need someone to talk to. Someone that isn't going to quickly say, "Oh, that reminds me of..." and is no longer listening to me. Someone who is listening intently. I don't need them to fix the problem or tell me it will be okay. I also don't need them to say, "Well, maybe fostering adoption special needs behavioral issues (you fill the blank) is too stressful for you. You have too much on your plate." Please, just listen to me talk. Listen to me be sad, mad, glad. Just. Listen.
  • If you know a mama that has a lot of medical appointments with a child, maybe volunteer to go with her to watch the other children or keep her other children so she doesn't have to take them. When my oldest was 6 years old, she developed ITP and could have died. We had dozens of appointments and a hospital stay. A friend of mine, Robin, offered to let me drop off the younger ones so I could concentrate on my oldest. I don't know if we will ever cross paths again in this life, but if we do, I want to let her know how much I appreciated that!
  • Take dinner. This might seem intimidating, especially if you know they have diet restrictions. Trust me though, that momma will be so happy to hear the words, "I would love to bring you dinner, can you give me ideas?"!
  • Call or Send a card. If you see parents of special needs kids or foster parents didn't make it out to church, give them a call and let them know they were missed. Or pop a card in the mail that says you are thinking of them. I bet it will bring a smile to their face to have something other than bills in the mail that day!
  • Drop by with her favorite coffee!
  • Color. Did you know that coloring is therapeutic? It is! You don't have to do it well. Just sit down with a coloring book, some crayons and chat away.
Above all....pray. As a parent of children with special needs, there are many days/nights that I rely on knowing that I have family and friends that are praying for us and our situation.

Reach out and encourage someone today!!

God bless,

Friday, May 17, 2019

Monday Madness: Thankful For God's Protection

Recently we had something scary happen that reminded me how thankful I am that God protects my children, especially when I don't know till later what happened...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Throwback Thursday: "I'm Scared!"

Welcome to Throwback Thursday,
Jordyn and I were remembering this moment 13 years ago this evening. What a beautiful time as a momma to witness my child realizing her need to have Jesus living in her heart! I hope you enjoy stepping back in time with me:

Monday, May 13, 2019

Monday Madness: Women's Health

If you are a guy...
You might want to skip this post.
It's nothing that would make you uncomfortable,
just about women's health.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

For My Momma: She Cried By Mckenzie S.

She Cried
Written By McKenzie For Her Momma

Momma cried when her babies lived,
She cried when her babies died.
Momma cried when we would fight,
She cried when we would apologize.
Momma cried when the dog died,
She cried with every card we had ever made.
Momma cried when her child was taken away.
She cried when Great-Grandpa died.
She cried when she went from my mom to my best friend, although she is still my mom.
But my favorite time she cried was when she prayed.
Because with each tear I knew she was praying for me and on her knees was where she discovered her dreams.
Momma prayed for friends she had never seen when she cried.
Momma is never scared to shed a tear especially when our Lord is near.
When she cried...

There's a possibility I cried when I read this...

Have a wonderful Mother's Day!
God bless,

Happy Mother's Day 2019

I originally posted this January 23, 2009, and rather decided that Mother's Day was a great day for it to repost this year! 
I am blessed to have had a "mean" mom! Back in 2009, my hope was to be just like her and as my girls have sweetly (literally) let me know, I was able to accomplish that. In fact, they hope to be a "mean" mom just like their mom and Nana! 
Just silly writing by an unknown author, but I hope you enjoy it. Better yet, I hope that you had a mother that loved you enough to be a "mean mom".
Happy Mother's Day, Marme!

Scripture Sunday: Matthew 18:3-5

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Surprise Saturday: Mother's Day Road Trip

In 2014, Sierra, Shelby and I took an epic road trip in my VW Bug.
It was a beautiful Mother's Day spent with a couple fun and crazy girls!

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Throwback Thursday: We Need To Grow Healthy and Strong

We keep remembering this little Jordyn-ism and how cute and funny it was. She would have been a little over 4 years old as this was the fall of 2005:

Monday, May 6, 2019

Monday Madness: Something Went Wrong...

You know it's going to be "a day" when you get this message come across your computer screen!

How's your Monday going?

It's May!


Friday, May 3, 2019

Family Friday: Thankful For Them

Dear Family and Friends,
There are people in our lives that we just can't live without. You know who I mean...the person who shows up when you are stressed out, the one who stops what they are doing to help you with a problem or the one who drops off chicken noodle soup when they hear your family is sick. They are people we need in our lives.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Throwback Thursday: Catching Frogs

Shelby has always been our defender of the weak...
And the only one of our girls who would chase after anything that moved.
This particular May day in 2014 was no exception.

Monday, April 29, 2019

Monday Madness: My Grandpa & The Newspaper

For years, actually, more like decades, my grandpa saved newspaper articles on whatever interested him. It might be wedding and birth announcements, something political that he found interesting or a comic that made him chuckle.

After he passed away, we pulled a couple of those albums out that he had carefully lued newspaper clippings in and imagine how fun it was to see two of me when I landed in the newspaper as a little girl.

I have to made my heart skip a beat to see his familiar handwriting with my name printed neatly next to one of the clippings...I miss you, grandpa!

Time has gone by, but it doesn't erase the fact
that you still miss those you love!

Won't Heaven be wonderful??

Only two more days of April, how will you spend them?

Take time to enjoy your family!

God bless,